• Info
  • The Association

The Association

Thanks to the initiative of a group of enthusiasts, it became clear during the early Nineties that there was a serious interest in the Cavaglia rock pots and a strong will to bring these wonderful «sculptures of nature» back to light.

Giovanni Lardelli, who knew and admired the Moti da Cavagliola from a young age, was the most enthusiastic promoter of this initiative. In 1993 he defined the main guidelines of the future course of action and was joined by Aldo Fanconi, Gianni Zanoli and Romeo Lardi.

In 1995 a working group formed by Romeo Lardi, Hans Jorg Bannwart, Aldo Fanconi, Agnese Iseppi, Giovanni Lardelli, Gianni Zanoli was set up with the support of the Poschiavo Town Hall and the Poschiavo Tourist Board. The idea was to form an association whose main objective would be to make the beautiful natural works of art of the Moti da Cavagliola visible to the public and to find the necessary financial means to do so.

Founded on November 6, 1998

The Association benefits from the contributions of its members and the support of institutions.

In 1999 the infrastructures required to start clearing the pots and preparing the trail leading to the panoramic viewpoint were put in place. Work commenced in 2000 and was followed over the years by a very intense and successful activity, thanks also to the contribution of numerous volunteer groups.

Today the pots’ trail is in excellent condition and allows visitors to enjoy a unique location in which nature has created wonderful sculptures.


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